How Amy’s Can Get You Through College

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How Amy’s Can Get You Through College

From late-night study sessions and athletics, to limited time in between classes, and just being downright homesick – it can be difficult to find food that is convenient, delicious and comforting when you’re away at college. Just because you’re in a dorm or have limited kitchen space doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a warm meal that reminds you of home, courtesy of Amy’s!

Many of us have fond memories of leaning on Amy’s for comforting food in a pinch! That’s why we’ve asked some of Amy's recently graduated team members and summer interns to share how Amy's came to their rescue during college.

Ian Casey, Company Affairs Intern

Throughout my past three years at Gonzaga, I have become an avid Amy’s customer. The easy-to-cook meals are super helpful when my days are busy. My favorite Amy’s meal is the classic Bean & Cheese Burrito because it is so easy to make! During Finals, I found that I work best when I have something to snack on at my convenience. The Bean & Cheese Burrito was the perfect snack because it allowed me to continue studying without a prolonged interruption. Every Finals week I make sure to grab a box of Amy’s burritos. I also love to add Tapatio on top of the burrito to give it some extra kick!   

David Gibson Jr., PR & Community Engagement Coordinator

In college, I had experiences learning about our food distribution systems and with that came some serious attempts to go vegetarian/vegan to alter the way I ate, and Amy's was always a staple in my diet during that time of learning and growth. It was a quick, easy way to access and satisfy comfort food cravings and stay true to the values I held at the time. I believe that everything you buy and consume, whether we realize it or not, is inherently a reflection of your principles. In addition, Amy’s Cheese Pizza Snacks taste and remind me of a pizzeria my family frequented as a kid – so when I found something that was vegetarian and tasted a little like home, I was incredibly stoked. From there, my appreciation for Amy’s blossomed into lasting endearment.

Yuki Huang, Digital Marketing Intern

During my time at UC Santa Barbara, Amy’s was a saving grace for me. Through the late nights at the library, it was comforting to know that Amy’s had my back. My friends and I spent our study breaks, during Finals week, at the grocery store, looking for late-night snacks or sometimes just to browse around. During Finals, it was definitely a struggle to find something that was quick but also nutritious, tasty and comforting. I’d say the Finals mentality most students had (including myself) would be to opt for something quick and delicious but not necessarily healthy. During one of these study breaks, I picked up the Indian Samosa Wrap to try, and it surprised me just how flavorful it was and how quick and easy it was to prepare. Thanks, Amy’s, for feeding me through my Finals!

Axel Low, Continuous Improvement Intern

As a collegiate athlete, I’m constantly struggling with both time and nutrition: that is where Amy’s Kitchen has helped me a lot. It allows me to get home from school and have a quick and nutritious meal before practice. My favorite food from Amy’s Kitchen is the Chili Mac Bowl, just because of the flavor and texture. I usually add a little hot sauce to spice it up. 

Jasmine Watt, Social Media Coordinator

During my Freshman year of college, I was introduced to Amy’s Lentil Soup. My on-campus convenience store would stock the aisles full of Amy’s soups, and I decided to give them a try one rainy Sunday afternoon. Once I returned to my room, I grabbed my favorite mug and heated the soup in the microwave. After, I sprinkled it with a few seasonings for an extra zing (I’m a big foodie, so I’ve always kept a few seasonings on hand in my dorm, like garlic and onion powder). It was so delicious and filling! I even remember raving to friends in my hall, and they began to purchase cans of Amy’s after that. From then on, I vowed to always keep a can on hand in my room. It was a quick, satisfying and comforting meal that I heavily relied on during my four years away!